Service - Philosophy I
The common perception of what public relations is all about is often simplistic
and narrow, even among professional practitioners whose self-limiting views
may act as a brake on the quality of service. We believe that the idea of
public relations as a mechanism or force for positive persuasion is constantly
evolving, embracing such popular concepts as Integrated Communications, the
One-Stop Shop and Public Affairs.
We push the frontiers even further, taking in internal / external communication problems, the somewhat basic idea of attitude and such abstract concepts as perceived aspirations by all levels of a client's operating structure.
To be fully integrated into a client's overall communications effort, we consider all elements of perception from the marketplace attitude to corporate self-image (which is not always in sync with reality).
Our approach to public relations takes in all aspects of persuasion from gentle advocation to pro-active public contact. In the industry, this could be described as covering everything from corporate and institutional public affairs to marketplace street level sales promotion.
These expanded parameters of operation are supported by an intimate working relationship, a partnership feeling with the client. Knowledge and understanding are key elements in this formula, which includes a degree of Human Resource concerns.
How do people relate to each other? Does the left hand know what the right hand is doing? Do the key front-line executives really understand their own company's goals? These are questions and challenges that we welcome. We seek solutions in a comprehensive approach that cover the entire spectrum of communications from behavior and attitude to conventional public relations.