Public Relations Services - Philosophy II


That’s what it’s all about. Strip away the jargon, all that psycho babble about “positioning in the marketplace”, “managing reputation”, “image enhancement”, “building brand equity”, “strategic corporate communications”...... It’s all great stuff as long as the focus stays on the reason for all the effort:-


From the exalted heights of public affairs in the corridors of power to the mechanics of media relations down to street-level consumer promotions and all the creative energy that drives the action from nose bleed level financial relations down to shopping mall points-of-sale...... if it doesn’t sell then why all the noise?

We understand how to plant the idea, how to move goods, services and products, how to make it possible to close that sale and we do it all over the region and around the world from our base in Hong Kong.

How do we do it? (Here comes the jargon) through a blend of integrated communications tailored for each clients needs, supported by expertise in both print / graphic and video / broadcast production, with superb media relations, with judgment, timing and market-smarts, with comprehensive all-in retainer driven client support packages.

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